The 9 best things to do in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled

6 min readAug 19, 2020


Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is an incredibly fun game to play. Whether you are new to Crash Team Racing (CTR) (affiliate link) or a veteran of the original, you’ll find something to do in this game.

I don’t just mean taking part in races and winning trophies either. There is a lot more this game has to offer to keep you entertained.

Let’s face it, as gamers today we tend to expect a lot more from our games. We demand character customization, a large roster of characters to play as and tons of content to keep us occupied for hours at a time. This makes sense considering the hefty price tag of some games, not mention DLC content.

With that said, the game’s developers went above and beyond to add so much more to this game than the original CTR back on the PlayStation 1. We get a hefty character roster, we get character customization, we get plentiful race tracks, game modes, and much more.

As there is so much jam-packed into this game, it is possible that some great things can be missed. That is why I put together this top list of the best things you can do in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled.

Play through the adventure mode in Classic or Nitro-Fueled

This might be something you quickly gloss over when diving into the adventure mode so it’s worth mentioning. You can choose from 2 modes here before you start your adventure mode play through: Classic or Nitro-Fueled.

  • Classic — This mode gives you the authentic original version of Crash Team Racing where you select one character and progress with that character for the entirety of adventure mode.
  • Nitro-Fueled — This newly added mode allows you to change characters at any point throughout adventure mode in addition to allowing you to customize your kart.

Either mode is worth choosing, but for me personally, I couldn’t wait to take advantage of character selection for different tracks. I was also pretty excited to check out all of the customization options so this was an obvious choice for me.

Whatever you decide to choose, pick it and get racing!

Customize your character

The character customization feature in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is definitely my favorite thing about this game. First of all, you can select from a vast roster of characters from the CTR and Crash Nitro Kart universe.

Not only that but each character has a number of skins that can be unlocked either by completing certain tasks or through the Pit Stop. On top of all of this, you can customize your kart to your heart’s content. Karts, paint jobs, decals, and wheels can all be customized to produce a pretty original race kart.

Pimp out your ride

We’ve already touched on this but another addition to CTR is the ability to customize your kart in a number of ways.

Firstly, you can choose which kart type you want to use. From here then you can choose the wheels, the paint job, decals, and even what cool sticker you can adorn your pimped out kart with. Though these customization options don’t technically affect your stats, racing stripes always make you go faster right?

All of these customization options can be unlocked through playing the game or through the pit stop as we talked about above. Be sure to take the time to create the ultimate kart for your racer to leave your opponents in your dust.

Race against friends online

Yet another excellent thing you can do in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is playing online with your friends. This is truly something gamers would not have imagined back in the time of the original CTR on the PlayStation 1.

We might take features like this for granted nowadays but it is still something worth talking about. Being able to race against others is something we could only dream about on the original CTR. Many fans will be glad this feature exists and it’s definitely a great way to test your skills against people outside your own family.

Though initially there were some kinks to be worked out with the online play, this seems to have settled down a lot from what I can see. I will occasionally be thrown out of a racing party back to the lobby for sure. But with that said, I’ve experienced this in almost every other online game at least once so I’m cutting the game some slack here.

Honk your horn

A little known fact that you might not know is that you have the ability to honk your horn while racing. Yes, this is not the most fascinating thing you can do in the game but it needs to be said regardless.

To honk your horn simply press R3 on your controller. Trust me you’ll thank me later.

Take epic screenshots

The eagle-eyed gamers among you might notice and will certainly appreciate the level of detail that has gone into this game. Simply playing through adventure mode will provide you with detailed and vibrant environments that you can’t help but capture with your share button.

There are plenty of opportunities to capture some awesome screenshots. You can show off your customized kart and racer combo to your friends from the customization screen. Or you can capture that moment where you appear on the podium at the end of a race. You can even turn the camera around onto your character in-game and capture them mid-race in an action shot.

The possibilities are pretty endless and I would highly encourage you to take some time to take some great screenshots.

Look at the scenery

Following on essentially from the last point, just stop and take a look at the scenery in each race. Spectators will certainly have an easier time with this but it’s definitely worth taking some time to pay attention to this.

For instance, in Tiger Temple, on the starting grid, you might notice the various tigers sprawled across the starting flag.

Another example is in Sewer Speedway you’ll see some crazy characters to the left up behind the railings apparently out of reach.

Unlock a secret character — Penta Penguin

Fans of the series will likely know that this character exists but people new to the games may not. I certainly didn’t know about him until recently. The secret character I’m talking about is Penta Penguin. This character is a speed class character that you can unlock by entering a cheat code.

I recently created a super quick post to show you how to unlock Penta Penguin that you can check out here.

If you enjoy racing with speed class characters, definitely go ahead and unlock Penta Penguin. This character features my favorite skin which turns him into a blue jay; it’s actually adorable go look at it!

Do something other than just racing — compete in battle modes

If you want to try your hand at doing something different to just racing laps around a track, this game has got you covered.

Simply choosing Local Arcade, then Battle Modes from the main menu will allow you to select from a list of 5 different battle modes.

The 5 Battle modes you can play include:

  • Capture the Flag — Simply capture your opponent's flag and return it to your base a set number of times to win.
  • Crystal Grab — This mode is simple; collect as many crystals as you can in the set time. Getting hit will result in you dropping your crystals so take care.
  • Last Kart Driving — You need to outlast all of your opponents as you dodge attacks and knock everyone out.
  • Limit Battle — This mode is basically a free for all where you choose to play based on points, lives, or time limit. Last until the end and or have the most points to be victorious.
  • Steal the Bacon — Similar to capture the flag, you need to capture your opponent's flag and return it to your base. The difference is in this mode that there is only one flag to capture.

So Much More to Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled

I think I’ve done a pretty good job at covering the best things you can do in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (affiliate link) but that’s certainly not everything. The fun part is you get to experience all of this for yourself. Play the game, race against your friends, and see what other fun things you can do.

If you come across anything else, feel free to mention it in a comment below. It would be great to see what you think.

Want to try this game for yourself?

If you like the look of these excellent things you can do in Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled and want to try out this game for yourself, follow the link below to buy the game:
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (affiliate link)

Originally published at

